How Mobile Research is Reinventing Mystery Shopping

Posted by admin on Dec 16, 2014 5:22:33 PM

What really drives a consumer to choose one company’s brand over its competitor? The number one reason people pick one product over another is due to recommendations from people they know.

A study of service industry consumers shows “one unhappy customer will tell eight to 10 people of their bad experience.” Each of those 10 people, the report shows, will tell five more customers about the original bad experience.

This means up to 60 potential customers are actively turned away when one customer receives subpar service. Along the same lines, each happy customer can steer dozens of new ones your way.

So how do you know if you’re turning customers into advocates for your brand?
The key is ensuring your customers receive a consistent, outstanding experience every time they come in contact with your company. The ideal method to determine whether your customers are receiving this experience is to collect data through mobile secret shoppers – delivering real visibility into the inner workings of your organization at the moment consumers experience your brand.

Whether you want to measure employee’s suggestive selling and adherence to company policy or the overall focus on guest/customer satisfaction – secret shopping through Surveys on the Go will deliver timely and unbiased data from any location nationwide. This can ultimately give you the ability to measure execution against intent and pinpoint areas of improvement.

Furthermore, with the introduction of mobile research, not only can you get data from secret shoppers, you’ll be able to track thousands of your customers’ natural shopping behavior as they shop your brand…and your competitors’. A recent MFour study utilizing the Surveys on the Go platform found consumers from the ages of 18 to 49 visit, on average, three retail locations per day. By combining mystery-shopping methodologies with mobile GPS capabilities on the phone, Surveys on the Go can track your customer’s behavior and opinions with unprecedented accuracy.

For more about MFour Mobile Research and an in-depth look at the app solution, visit us at

Topics: mfour, mobile research, mobile surveys, technology, tracking, MFour Blog, secret shopper, surveys on the go

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